Welcome! We offer free, online trainings about new services, health and wellness, and more.
Online trainings for Trillium staff and providers. Trillium helps our communities build the necessary foundations to help improve well-being, provide solutions, and recognize the potential we all offer.
• Updates to service offerings like Innovations Waiver
• Member Benefits
• Provider Resources
• Connections Trainings... and more!
In connection with our recent NCQA accreditation, the Trillium Training Unit is working diligently to update all trainings reflecting our previously held URAC accreditation with our new NCQA logo.
Please note any and all trainings provided through the Trillium My Learning Campus, Learning Management System, adhere to the accreditation standards set forth by the NCQA.
Trillium Health Resources is part of both the Tailored Plan (TP) and Medicaid Direct Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (MDPIHP). When the following graphics are present on a training, it indicates that accessing them will meet NCDHHS contract requirements for both plans. It is important to note the terms specific to TP and MDPIHP as denoted on the disclaimer.
Member & Recipient Services: 1-888-302-0738
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